How To Know If It’s Time For a New Carpet

A good carpet can last for years when it is properly cared for. However, as they get regular use you may eventually need to replace it despite using a vacuum cleaner and a full shampoo on it time after time. There are many signs that can reveal this to you, some obvious while others subtle. To help you determine whether it is time for a new carpet installation, here are six signs you need to update to a new carpet.

Stains that won’t go away

Most carpets are stain resistant. However, with time the treatment tends to fade leaving the carpet unprotected. As pet urine, vomit, and mold stains absorb into your carpet over a long period of time, this may lead to build up of molds and mildew.068

You see the underlay in some areas

If you notice that you can see the underlay peeking through in some areas of your carpet then you know you need a new one. This means that it will be letting out heat in these areas and and also creating a possible trip hazard. Instead of moving furniture to cover these areas, make the decision to get a new one.

Stinky carpet

You may notice a lingering smell from your carpet when you haven’t cleaned it for a whole. This smell should be gone after a proper clean but if it doesn’t, it means the stain has penetrated deep down the carpet fibers or the sub floor. This may even indicate the presence of molds and mildew.

You have redecorated

If you have decorated your living room or bedroom but left out your carpet, it may ruin the overall design. When you have decided to change your rooms design, ensure that you supplement the whole new look with a new carpet installed so that the floor matches your new color scheme.

You have had it for years

With very good care, many manufacturers expect a good carpet to last for ten years. After this, you may realize that you clean your carpet more often but it never gets really clean. If you find that your carpet has wrinkles, lack a padding support, is fading, and has lost its color then this is a sign of an old carpet.

If you can relate to these signs then you need to update to a new carpet. But how do you find a qualified carpet installer? Some carpet installation can be more difficult compared to others thus requiring more experienced installers. Therefore, even after buying a high-quality carpet you will still need a more specialized and experienced installer. Some of the ways of finding good carpet installation companies include:

Do research – If you are looking for an installer from scratch, start researching just as you would do for any other business. You can use the internet or any media that will help you come up with a list of companies doing the job in your area.

Recommendations from friends and relatives – Word of mouth is one of the best sources for finding good carpet installation companies. If you find someone who has had experience with a carpet installation company, you can ask them how the work was and if they went above and beyond.

Check state licensing – If your state requires carpet installation companies to be licensed, you can call your potential installers, ask for their license number and check with your state if there are any complaints about them.

Finding a company that does masterful carpet installation can be a daunting task. However, by following these guidelines you will be able to find a good company that will fit your needs.